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My second game of the season was interesting if i was given one word to describe it. from my camera wouldn't stop turning off to almost getting ran over a couple times to running across the field to get the perfect shot. but it was really fun knowing what was going on this time and knowing what to look out for at the game.

ISO1000 93mm F/2.8 1/800sec

ISO 1600 73mm f/5.6 1/500sec

ISO 8000 108mm f/4.5 1/1000sec

this was where i almost got ran over with me not worrying about my own self and just looking down the view finder seeing them inch closer with me slowly realizing they were coming my way barley making it out of there way.

ISO 5000 70mm f/5.0 1/500sec

ISO 1600 70mm f/2.8 1/250sec

ISO 1600 70mm f/2.8 1/250sec

ISO5000 70mm F/2.8 1/400sec

ISO 8000 50mm F/4.0 1/640sec

then halftime started and got to take break for a good 3 minutes after all the action shots. to going right back to taking pictures of halftime and watching their performance.

ISO 8000 105mm F/4.0 1/640sec

ISO 8000 60mm F/4.0 1/640sec

ISO 8000 45mm F/4.0 1/640sec

ISO 8000 67mm F/4.0 1/640sec

ISO 10000 70mm F/2.8 1/800sec

ISO 10000 70mm F/2.8 1/800sec

ISO 10000 70mm F/2.8 1/800sec

ISO 10000 70mm F/3.2 1/800sec

ISO 10000 70mm F/3.2 1/800sec

It was really exiting to see Belton coach try to pump up his players and get their adrenaline going to make the final touchdown to tie up the game.

ISO 10000 70mm F/3.2 1/800sec

ISO 10000 70mm F/3.2 1/800sec

but in all this game was really fun even if i did almost get ran over this will always be something that i remember. going around the football hearing everyone cheer for the school to win to go to the playoffs and seeing all the football players really amped up to keep playing


what i have learned from this game always come prepared because if it wasn't for having another battery to switch out from i wouldn't of been able to get any pictures at all during the game. to always have your eyes open for the perfect shot the whole time of shooting.

pixie set

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